Virtual Measurement Conference 2020
We co-create a great event – Virtual Measurement Conference with a slogan “Meeting of Minds”.
We’re excited to announce that Murat Aykan, Research&Development Manager at Dynalabs, will give the lecture »Electrodynamic Shakers« on the third day of the conference dedicated to Sound & Vibration Analysis on 29th of September at 10.00 and also at 16.30.
Mr. Aykan will describe why electrodynamic shakers have a major role in vibration and shock testing. The lecture will present a brief background on electrodynamic shakers, how to choose the appropriate shaker and application limits of electrodynamic shakers and at the and the application area in connection to Dewesoft.
Don’t miss the lecture »Electrodynamic Shakers«! Save the date.
With more than 500 participants, this is your opportunity to dive into a wide range of measurement and testing, and technology-related issues advancing automotive, aerospace, transport and energy industries.
If you want to check out the program to gear up for this year’s conference, have a look at the conference website or a sneak peek at the VMC 2020 program.
Register to keep informed of the schedule and highlights of the conference. Registration is FREE of charge for anybody from everywhere.